We do the Science
You do the Fun-in-the-sun

At Florida Toiletry Co we love geeking out on the science behind Sun Care: what makes it work and more importantly, Why. Browse our range of must-have sun care products for all of your fun in the sun to help keep you protected, moisturized, refreshed and even prolong that hard earned golden tan.

Florida Toiletry Co.

Florida Toiletry Co and its luxurious Sun Care range was created by a Fort Lauderdale local who spent many days soaking up the sun along the Florida coastline. Naturally, that meant its fair share of sunburns as well.

We all love the sun but we know she can have quite a temper during those hot summer day! Surviving a full day in sun has to include products to prepare, protect and sooth. Before, during and after.

Cooling. Moisturizing. Soothing. Quenching.

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